Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Real Love - Eshgh

This photo won a UNESCO-prize (date unknown?), the photo was taken by Iranian photographer and is entiteled Eshgh ( Love).
(Isn't it lovely?!)

Poster in Teheran

Came across this poster on some site, don't remember which one, but here is another example how the guptan is used in fashion. What do u guys think!? Better than the upside-down guptan?

Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid, may God accept ur fasting and prayers!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Guptan - Upside - Down?

Here's a pic I bumped into long time ago, from the site http://www.iranian.com/ , where an Iranian designer uploaded her pics. The first reaction I had was...'WTF!, this is a traditional balochi guptan!' The designer had obviously got rid of the upper part, and the sleeves are shortened. This dotch is a dotch that most ppl in z-dan has, it actually signifies balochi dresses in zahedan, and it's worn not as a "majlis" dotch, (something you would wear at a wedding), but more as a casual dotch.
I could actually wear this dress while going out, cuz it is very 'balochi' in some way. I would however prefer another dotch,cuz this one is not so detailed. It doesn't look 'ugly', but it looks weird for us who are not used to see the guptan like this! I tried to get a dress made like this, with a more detailed dotch on a red fabric, but didn't have the opportunity nor time! It is still unsewed in my closet in Z-dan!
However, this is the pic that generated and strenghted my will to create something to reach out to the people who are interested in balochi dresses.
I actually showed this pic to my relatives in z-dan, and they thought ppl in the west are as crazy as could get!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Balochi dress worn by the Queen?

This is the (now getting kinda old) Iranian popstar, Googoosh standing next to the Iranian Queen, Farah. Now let's forget them and let's focus on the red "dress"(Coat?). I've heard a lot of different theories about this dress (coat) worn by the Queen. It was apparently embroided with a unique silk-thread. It is claimed that this "dress" was given to Queen Farah, from a balochi lady, as an act of friendship. This balochi lady had a high post during the Shah-era, and was a close friend to the Queen..... Anyone who knows anything more?

This pic was taken in Saad Abad (Teheran), Saad Abad was the Shahs Palace Complex, but was turned into a museum after the revolution 1979. Different buildings present different themes, this balochi dress was seen in the culture building. (..and yes that is my exciting finger pointing at the dress!)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bus Station In Z-dan

A make-over have been made on Z-dan and it's streets. Don't know if they have chosen a new chief, but the city has sure developed! With developed I don't mean that the ppl have "better lives", I rather mean the streets and the infrastructure. Bus stations are an example. Air conditioning, tv, phone and a door (!), that's kind of new! I have not tried to test them, but they look kinda futuristic!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kash N Javak With Mirrors!

A almost finished Kash and Javak embroidment,waiting to get the mirrors sewed on. One of the most detailed embroidment, with a price that seems to increase for each day! An important investment for most balochi women.

The Rich In Z-Dan N The Poor Outside

SOOOOOOSK! (cockroach!)

Sosk-invasion in Z-dan. No words for it, just watch the pics...and u'll understand!

( THANK GOD FOR AFKAN -the cockroach-killer number one!)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

One of the latest?

Price: 15-20$..............direcly from the local afghan..fresh..but not clean :P

Friday, September 5, 2008


Let me present this ( if you ask me , ODD!) different dress. I did not design this one, a tailor showed me this dress, which was actually her latest collection! I have named this dress, the "sheytaani" dress, don't ask me why, but it's something with the sleeves and that the dotch is "not straight"! However, I would certainly not wear this dress...what about you guys?

Two Worlds....

Now that I'm back to the rainy days and the grey clouds, I often receive flashbacks from the summer-trip. Especially when I visited the village outside Z-dan, which gave me a strong feeling of "just being, just existing", and that is a feeling I lack nowadays, sitting in front of the computer wasting my time! (Depression-syndrome?yepz..)
Remembering the night when we suddenly decided to make a fire in the huge pomegranate garden eating pomegranates...awww...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sopori / Garbage-cleaners...

Z-dan is kinda filthy. Not Dubai, or Malaysia, that's for sure. But thanks to these people the town is a little bit "cleaner"......

Took this pic when I was out for a ride, funny with one of the guys sitting backwards on the motorcycle with his wheelbarrow! It took me a sec to understand.... :P