The Process
The process of creating balochi clothes is kind of complicated and requires patience, money and time. There are two ways, you can either buy a finished zee-astonk and fabric, or the hard way: let someone embroid the zee-astonk the design and color that u pick out, and buy fabric for it. Here are the different steps! :)
The easiest way: Just go to the bazaar and pick out a zee-astonk you like, as you can notice, there is obviously no lack of zee-astonks!
The "hard" way: You have to choose a unembroided zee-astonk, the pic below shows "printed zee-astonks", without threads or anything, just printed designs.
2. You need threads to embroid the "painted zee-astonk", and its all up to u what colors u want for ur zee-astonk....
3. And of course you'll need mirrors! There are differents mirrors so just pick out some hundreds and the only thing u need now is a lady who can embroid ur zee-astonk! :P
wonderful designs!
salaam daste shomi dard makant ke dar jahate morafe farhange balochi kara kanet .movafagh o piroz babat.
Comming accross with such an amazing English weblog of a bloch girl, i was appalled with its brilliance and delicateness.
it whould be a great pleasure for me to read more from such an elevated baloch female writer and learn from her.
razgo baloch
Very nice blog. Well done.
M. Baloch
Salaam banok
kare jalebist enshallah movafagho piroz bashid, toro khoda ghadre pedaran va shoharanetono bedonid ke harchi pool dar miaran midan be hamin dokhto dozha.
zee-astunk i love the name, it makes me laugh by reminding me the old days in zahedan ,
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