
This dress is not a complete dress yet. With that I mean, the embroidment is finished, but not the dress as a whole, the dress is in "pieces", sleeves apart etc.
It was ready the day before my flight from Z-dan, so I just picked it up from the tailor and put it directly in my bag.
The tailor, who has embroided this dress, works in a store called "mecka"-store, on Khayyam street, in Zahedan. He actually finished the dress in less than three weeks, an emergency-situation. The fabric was bought in Chabahar, and I think it matches with the embroidment quiet well. Chabahar is heaven for good fabrics, the fabrics there are not so "heavy" as the ones in the word "heavy" from Ck who mentioned it in a comment!:)
This embroidment costs $30, cheap cheap cheap!:) I'm planning to give some plain tunics to the tailor, and get them embroided too, so I can wear them outside Z-dan...
I have just booked my ticket, in about 30 days I will be in Zahedan, with a chador and complete hijab :) Will upload pics from there too, so don't worry! Can't wait to show u guys the town, the ppl and everything that I found interesting....
Just have to find a good digital-camera, and it got to cost less that $200, anyone who wants to give away a camera for charity?:D
Perfect .. I would hav named it 'Angelic Pink' ... very nice. Cant get enough of it.
Thanks Ck, I will fix one for ur future wife, inshallah! :)
hhhmm banok baloch girl tell ur brother or who is sending ail to me i don tknow what relation he sas to u adn he talked about raisi gil on face book say him u are narrow mind if u grown up theer but u never think pisitive and the dress of girl dont personalize her personality so this is the cultuer of that socity and they been tehre and grown up there if i said u lost bcoz u are 21 and thing like a child i didnt menat nothing else okay have nice time
Wash atke....
I don't know who have sent u comments, and I can't act as a messenger either. Plz, this blog is not a place to argue and reply to those who give u comments, give up. If you want to comment my blog, go ahead, but otherwise DON'T.
hhhmmm ok dear banok well this is a confusion any way i ignore well he was tellingme he haveing relation with i dont know really any way tanx for reply wish u the best nothing more ...have nice time well haveing a good weblog keep it update
hey!Love the dress.Going to zahedan and all the other places this summer,that is sort of a new dotch?
btw.I know u pretty girl!I think met u in the eastern holiday?for a few hours?if so keep up the good work and i'd love the see more dresses.and say hi to ur family.
nice nice
Cute dress! And great enforcement of copyrights! ^_^ (y)
Nice colorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,,,
..I'm not so sure if I remember any visits during the Easter holiday, please refresh my memory! However, glad that u enjoyed reading the blog :)
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