Can We Wear Balochi Clothes Outside?
Since I don't live in a Balochi community, I have never DARED to wear my balochi clothes outside the home.
Sometimes I see brave pakis wear their Shalwar Kameez going to school, and I actually admire them for wearing their own clothes in a society where everybody has to wear the latest fashion.
So...I promised myself, that I have to design a Balochi dress, that I can wear outside, and actually look GOOD at the same time. And,I did. This is the result, with 3/4 arms, kind of like a tunic. It is perfect for the summer! (since I only wear hijabish clothes outside)
The color of the fabric matches the dotch/embroidment, and it has a lot of mirrors. Actually my sis embroided this dotch, she designed the dotch and she also SEW it! This dotch/embroidment is called "Zarafshan".
I've worn this dress several times in downtown,and received positive reactions, people LOVED was walking and at the same time spreading our culture.
Tell me Your opinion, can we balochis design more clothes that are showing our balochi culture, and at the same time appreciated by western?
Smart dress you've there. But I'm not sure a skin hugging jeans goes well with it. Why not try a matching (light purple?) trouser with similar dotch? I guess we should do everything we can to promote our culture. Did you ever consider starting a boutique? I like your ideas (I'm not sure if you get alerts, but I've left my opinion on a couple of older posts).
I think she vanted to mix jeans and baloch dress, so you wear in street in europe or america.Nice
I do not doubt the smartness of the idea. Trousers' western wear too.
the matrial and the picture of balochi clothes is against the rules of balochiat,
your are changing our 5000 old culture and modernising it,if you want to internationalise our culture, then show the culture which is according balochiat not the whom which is a posion for our culture and code of honor.
BLF central commandant did not allow to destroy the culture
Reply to hina;
Well, my "idea" was to have a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, and jeans with a balochi tunic is not something you see everyday. I have the trousers with similar dotch too, but I would rather wear jeans with this tunic when I go to school.
Reply to Loin Of gedrosia:
I am curious about this "rule of balochiat", unfortunatly the link could not be opened.
I'm surprised by ur reaction,cuz I don't consider playing with ideas is "poison", especially not simple designs of clothes:)
If you go to a balochi wedding nowadays you will not see 5000-yrs old designs on balochi clothes, neither men or women. The younger generation just like the ones before will add or remove some details in their clothes, that's a fact.
If one person can "destroy" a culture,then it's obviously not a strong culture after all...
ageh man zan midashtam in lebas khoshkelo vasash mikharidam va midadam vasash bedozan , che lezati dareh adam zanesho to in lebas negash koneh , heyf ke man zan nadaram .,
reply to baloch girl
i have not any problem with ur blogs but have problem with ur mind or modern ides,i am also working to promote balochi culture and movement but in a boundry if you change the whole clothes's style then what will be the indentication of a baloch,yes i agree that envornment influnce the culture
""If one person can "destroy" a culture,then it's obviously not a strong culture after all""
if any person want to change and destroy the culture!,i think then they lost their lifes,but culture remain forever!!
your r independent to do any thing,we can not stop u but if we win the war of independence then the rule will not allow you to do such things
The one thing I consider as the most unique detail, that can't be removed, is the dotch. The rest is all about using your fantasy.
I don't understand what war of independence ur talking about, I should remind you that this blog is not political.
voow i loved this purple dress, it must have taken a lot of efort to do this amaizing dress. The color was lovely and all the details amaizingly put together and it
looks very profesional.
Great work. =)
Loin of gedrosia : I doubt vat Baloch Girl thinks or does is against our Balochi culture. If u talk about 5000 year old culture, then let me remind u that our culture has changed drastically even in the last 5o years. Not only our dress-code, but code of honor and our values/norms have also changed immensely. She, as far as my opinion is concerned, is generating innovative ideas. It is the people's choice if they agree with her or not, but please, if u really want us Balochs to get ahead of the western countries then there is no other way but to bring change within ourselves. This type of thought is exactly the reason we Balochs are far behind. Please, it is not a very sensible thing to criticize on the basis of culture. N one other thing, Dressing one's-self also depends on one's vicinity as to where that person lives. n e way, if u have any more critiques, I will happily help u out with it...
Balochs to get ahead of the western countries then there is no other way but to bring change within ourselves.
i think that ur so convince with western culture,for your kind information most developed countries in this world are japan and china,and they did not forget their culture,
mahe buzarg haan rast gusth
k bazee mardumee bhehayahi ya development o taraqi gushii afsoo sad afsoo,hee balach tae qoom he haal hish inth,tae qurbani rahegaan maroo!!!
Thanks its great work but Gwahr first u should let ur nighbours know the real Balochi cloth than the modren one any its nice idea
@ loin of gedrosia ... Tai gap rahega-ent ... But it's not my opinion that is sour, it's ur mindset ... when I say change n getting ahead of Western countries, I do not mean that we should change our culture, mind-it!! I said v have to change 'OURSELVES' in order to survive in such a world. Please, don't get the wrong idea, this Japan n China u r talking about ... u say they have the same cultural values, I do agree vid dat, but u r also missing some facts that these countries are developing fast because they have accepted the fact that change is necessary in order to survive. It is a universal fact that change is constant. As a Baloch I love my culture, the traditions, I'm sometimes called a Nationalist by ppl ... Y?? cuz I always promote my cultural norms and values, but the fact that u r heading for is not technically correct .. Let's take a brief example ... They way we men groom now a days, do u think it the same as 5000 yrs ago, no it's not .. It's just a simple but an in-depth example. Would u b kind enough to tell me where do u belong to, because it would make much sense that way. Thank u for ur time....
hhmmm banok baloch girl u are goinhg to become a model lolzzz well at all i m not agree with u becoz jeans is not from y own cultuer it s for western countries and if u can do changeing in balochi dress and make it better and do some changing it will be good and good idea but wearing jeans i saw the pic it s just some thing mad eme laugh lolzz well i wish a day i see balochi dress been known in the world and i see the beauty in balochi woman in balochi dress most expensive and more colour full
hiiiii banok baloch tow mara doz kot baley manan begosh kojaa pic man dozetag kojaa yakey habaryeh tow banok ?plzzz be polit u r from iran balochistan it s so bad to hear these word i was telling east baloch have bad language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Very beautiful indeed. As a British born Pakistani, I can relate to what you're saying. But my family originates from Azad Kashmir and we don't see much of this beautiful mirror work there. It's just gorgeous - everytime I see this kind of stuff I just buy it because it so rare there!
I love your design and think its really effective, however I have to say there's nothing like the real thing, maybe you should wear this and at the same time try to pluck the courage to wear the full thing!
Good work!
Hi Salam 2 much! my name is Sana im in the USA & i loved your short balouchi dress most of mine are so long & i have many here in the US but i rarely wear them because of peoples reactions. i would love to be able to buy ones like this. My aunts in Pakistan -karachi always make the long ones for us & so big sleeves. If you ever decide to make these for sale let me know i definately want at least 20 for real!! I think i would still wear the balouch fashion kameez with it though. Great work. My mother n law showed me her wedding clothes & i thought it was one of her daughters younger age clothes so the kindof short fashion was in back 30 years ago. My father n law is from Iran Balouch they say my husband has lots of date & different type of fruit lands there but we have never went. if you want to send msg back & forth.. Allahfiz
That is a very nice design.
Don't pay much attention to lectures about "5000 year Culture."
Don't know of single invention, a single creative idea, a single theorem in mathematics, a single tiny bit of Scientific knowledge this 5000 year old culture of our has produced. Maybe because anyone who dared was confronted with likes of Mr. gedrosia and accused of messing with the culture.
Good luck to you, and keep doing what you are doing.
Yes! we can wear balochi clothes outside, and show others our culture, but not making our culture modernized. u just have da Dotch on ur clothes, not the Balochi Pashk!
Remember that u must only show balochi dotch in Balochi dress! or else don't call it Balochi Culture!
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