Beautiful Does Not Mean Expensive!

Here is a dress, made 2 yrs ago, but still very beautiful and still in fashion! The dotch is called "Kash va Javak", and with light and dark brown thread. I wore it on a wedding and it looked great, the dotch matches the fabric perfectly. It has the normal form, not tight or fitted. Not a party-dress, but good when you don't want to be in the center of attention :)
This dotch costed $70, and the fabric $30, so the whole set was cheap comparing to other dresses.
This dotch costed $70, and the fabric $30, so the whole set was cheap comparing to other dresses.
Yea it looks great but well, if u wear such a dress here U would b the centre of attention cuz the Dotch on the chest somewhat differs n also even though the dotch is simple but it is very-much detailed ...
P.S: Since u said anyone who wears it isn't the center of attention then I assume that this dotch might be common there, is it???!!
I'd agree with CK. The dress would make you the center of attention in our city as well (that's khi)!
Love the choice of colors and the patterns. A little surprised to know the cost as well. Awesome share.
Well, this dotch was very common at that time I bought it, nowadays people wear the more colorful "Kash and Javak"(see earlier post) , which is in fashion today. I can agree that the embroidment on the chest differs as it is in "pieces", and I have noticed that nowadays a lot of balochi ladies (old as young) wear dotchs that are in "pieces".
@baloch girl
i m activist of SS® our job is to internationalize baloch movement and history,our new project(website)is under construction and we decide to internationalize balochi culture, we want your help!,if you agree then contact with us,i m waiting for your answer
Mir Mayaar Khan Kalmati
vice president SS®
(after reading this, please delete it)
Balochi Doch has evolved to become very much different in you city from what we have at our village. What i found here, i will call it abstract. The real Balochi Doch is not just a symmetrical design of colors and shapes, it has a whole philosophy behind it. It portrays a battlefield, with formations, forts, even besieged forts. Every different Balochi doch has a different story to tell.
For a conservative nationalist like me, it gives pain while i find people altering percisely-developed doch designs.
But it is the people to decide the fate of what belongs to the people.
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