Party Dress?

The other day while me and my sis were dancing like crazy ( We are preparing ourselves for a BIG wedding this summer!) I realized that I didn't have a real "party dress" to wear. I also noticed that my sister, who is otherwise a good dancer, didn't look so good when she was wearing her big balochi dress. Then it came to me that I needed a dress that is a little bit that my dancing skills can be noticed while dancing.... ... The dress should be like.."WOW!" but still have the balochi dotch. The arms should be a little big "kalosh",the upper part should be tight, and the lower part a little bit wider.....This is what I kind of mean...this cute pink balochi dress. I can make it tighter, just look at the back detail......I think it is what I need at the henna-day.......what do you guys think?
So, u mean that my dance today was disaster? thanks!No, seriously, this dress looks so damn good but delete it cuz some folks maybe copy it and when we wanna wear it, we see girls wear it...hiiihhi
hmmm ... well, ur idea did force me to make an ID on the Blogger, I must say it is very impressive, a very nice blend of design along with not-so-heavy clothing .... waiting for more ideaz. Enjoy the wedding party!
Nice blog, keep it up!!! i like i like.. and this dress looks so pretty!
The balochi dress is very traditional and changing the shape makes it look wierd. Useing different fabric and color, different dooch is ok...and that makes each dress special...theres no need to change the whole dress..the shape...:) :) :)
Keep it up. We have a Kiswahili saying, "Mwacha mila ni mtumwa." It means that one who abandons her culture is a slave. Know who you are, and keep your culture alive.
In my chidhood this design was inn in karachi. :)
well i m not a girl but still impressed with what u guys talk n do about traditional baloch dotch.combination of dotch with west chinese n party is stunning n superb.i bet no dress is so beautiful like balochi dotch....n yes curious to know about something more about miss zahedani baloch girl as i too belong to there somehow.
Like it or not, you two, I'm getting a dress like that made for myself. It will look awesome when I'll wear it on my graduation day!!! =D Pretty and formal! Oh thank you so much for posting the picture here and erm, btw, where can I buy it? or will I have to take my laptop to the tailors? :P
Aslamualikum madam balochi i like balochi dreses
iam pakistani from sindh larkana,
now live at dubai .. my name is manzoor chandio
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