Balochi vs Chinese ?

How can we change the balochi dress....still having its traditional shape..but with details taken from other cultures? Lately I've been thinking of how the balochi dress would look like if it had influences from the chinese dress? Very anxious to see how it would to fix one when I visit Z-dan this summer...the problem is to find somebody who knows what I'm talking about...any ideas?
I mean, the dress can't be tooo tight...if it must be "open" in the pakistani clothes. And the collar would look awsome..the arm should be the the question is...what kind of dotch would fit to this design? It's difficult to find a dotch that can have that going to the tailor and make him do something nice....that's an alternative...
hmm getting influences from different cultures to make a balochi dress doesnt' sound so great--Balochi dress is original in itself, I really think getting ideas from Chinese dress isn't justified--the balochi dress can do magic all on its owwnn
Yes--although maybe it can be changed up alittle--maybe the sleeves shouldn't be so wide?
But the guptan and dotch should remain the same and don't need no influence--heck, that's my opinion :)
looks great, and heck we need to see more baloch influence around, so even if its to be seen mixing with other cultures, baloch shud remain the better part,
ur sis led me here and sad sad that ur already taken hehe, love ur thoughts
take care know, the balochi dress should still have it's dotch, that is hard to change, but putting some details will only make it more and more exciting. After going to a lot of parties in Zahedan, I got tired of the same repeating dotch and design, the balochi dress itself is original and unique, but with a little fantasy it can be modern and more exciting. Why can't someone design a balochi dress that I can wear while going to school?
yeah like a mini baloch dress:-p
haha, nooo Tariq, Not mini balochi dress.:)
tq....u r real funny...on your wedding I will wear a mini mini balochi
I'm not sure I'd know how to wear a pure chinese dress meets balochi dotch :P Having a thing for innovation, I wouldn't say it's a bad idea at all to experiment culture fusion (after all, in order to exist, a culture must evolve; like, a language adopts new words).
Chinese Qipao/Cheongsam are, well, so often .. erm, or rather usually skin-hugging to an nth degree and hey wait, what of the 'shalwar'? :S Are you thinking of embroided pants?
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